Your Step-By-Step Guide to Measuring Pallet Racking
While measuring pallet racking may seem difficult, it can be quite manageable as long as you know what you’re doing. To help make things easier for you, we thought it would be useful to outline what you must do to accurately measure pallet racking. If this is something that you’re interested in learning more about, read on for a step-by-step guide to measuring pallet racking.
Identify Your Pallet Racking
To give you an accurate quote for your pallet racking, we need to know who the manufacturer is. The quickest way to do this is to send us a picture of the beam connecting to the upright. All manufacturers have different beam connectors and racking safety pins.
Beam Clear Entry
Pallet racking beams are a common replacement for pallet racking. The width of the beams is also referred to as the “bay width.” or “clear entry” Unfortunately, various manufacturers measure their clear entry differently. Hence, it is essential to know which manufacturer made your racking. The clear entry is usually measured from the inside of one upright to the inside of the next.
Beam Size and Duty
The amount of weight that a pallet rack beam can support varies. Therefore, it is crucial that the correct level of weight, also called Universally Distributed Load (UDL) or Safe Working Load (SWL), is specified when designing the beam. The total load per pair of beams is what this figure measures. For instance, if you have two pallets per beam and each pallet weighs 1000 kg, the UDL/SWL will be 2000 kg. By giving us this information when you are designing new racks, we can determine the right specifications for the beam. Supplying beams for current installation, repairs, or reconfigurations can be more complicated because the configuration can affect the beam duty.
Frame Height and Depth
You will need pallet racking frames to go with your beams (unless you are using them for an existing installation). A frame is made up of two uprights (or posts) with bracing in between. Your beams will connect to the frame. The frame runs from front to back, and the beams go from left to right. The depth of your racking will be determined by the pallets you use and the Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association (SEMA) Guidelines for pallet overhang. The racking depth can range from 450mm to over 1500mm in 50mm increments.
The Bracing Node Pitch is a key dimension to be aware of, as it can differ between manufacturers and also depends on the load of the racking (determined by the Bay Configuration). Another useful dimension is the upright or post duty, which is similar to beam duty in that it is determined by the load being imposed. Again, your existing racking should have this information marked on it.
Bay Configuration
You’ll also need to know the size of your beams and how they will be arranged. The weight and depth of the beams will determine how the posts will be arranged. A bay is made up of 2 frames, with a number of beams in between them. The height of the first beam level is the most important dimension, as it affects the stability of the racking system.
To know the beam pitch or height to each beam level, we need to know the pallet height and what kind of materials handling equipment will be used. If you provide us with this information, we can help you out. Otherwise, if you’re trying to match an existing installation, your best bet would be to use a tape measure.
Pallet Racking Configuration
Pallet racking is available in different configurations, which impacts the specifications of the racking. There are set dimensions which both the racking manufacturers and SEMA must follow. A single pallet racking bay includes two frames and a number of beams. Additional bays can be added on in any length, as long as it doesn’t exceed the length of your warehouse. A double-faced run is a configuration in which two single-faced runs are placed back to back. This allows for access from either side, making it a versatile option for warehouses.
Conclusion – Your Step-By-Step Guide to Measuring Pallet Racking
We hope this article proves useful when it comes to helping you figure out how to accurately measure pallet racking. While it may seem like a daunting task, it should be easy as long as you follow the steps that we’ve outlined above. Feel free to reread this article if you feel like you need some more guidance.
If you’re looking for help with pallet racking, then you’ve come to the right place. 3JC has become one of the UK’s leading suppliers of new and used pallet racking, industrial shelving and plastic storage solutions. For more information, visit our website today!